
藝人廖碧兒宣布分手!今年三月承認和富二代盧啟賢拍拖的廖碧兒,宣布戀情以來傳聞多多,不單止指男方另有原配女友,早前更傳出她早年秘嫁法國波爾多酒莊富豪Jean-Charles Cazes!



Many of u know that I don’t really talk about my personal matters but seeing the news lately, I feel it’s time I said a few words… First of all, I am not married and have never been married.
Currently, I spend a good deal of my time alone. Relationships are difficult, I tried my best but as relationships are about two people, I was unable to make things work due to differences in expectations in a relationship. Hence, I have chosen my own adventures. We have had many great memories and will always remain close friends. I thank him for his care & support.
Thank u to all my fans, friends, management, & family for being by my side & loving me unconditionally. I trust and believe in God’s plan for me…

